SEO Tips

SEO : Natural referencing- SEO : how to optimize your netlinking ?

If you are looking to improve your SEO, you have probably already implemented a netlinking strategy. And for good reason, it is an effective way to improve your positioning. But at this time, you are probably wondering if there is a way to optimize your netlinking to make it even more effective. We tell you everything in this article …


We will not go back on the exact definition of a netlinking strategy. But before seeing what are the points to work to improve it, it is important to specify the different types of links in a netlinking strategy.

Outgoing links: these links come from your site and point to a third party site;

Incoming links (called backlinks): these links come from another site and point to yours. We call ” referring domain ” the site which emits an external link towards another site.


Your goal should not be to get as many backlinks as possible, but to get quality links. Indeed, when the search engine determines the popularity of a site B, it examines the links that point to it. However, if a site A is a referring domain of site B, then it passes on its popularity. It is also necessary that this site A is trusted by search engines. This is called “domain authority”.

That’s why it is essential to look for quality backlinks favored by Google. You then naturally increase the authority of your site and improve its positioning.

What characterizes a quality link:

Comes from a site with high authority;
Coming from a relevant site in terms of content: generally similar or carrying out a complementary or even related activity to yours;
The link anchor contains strategic keywords without over-optimization.

Carrying out your netlinking strategy is important, because bad practices can penalize you. Since 2012 and the appearance of the Penguin algorithm, Google has become particularly attentive to the quality of backlinks. If you get poor quality backlinks, or poor quality links pointing naturally to your pages, you risk being penalized by Google.

It is imperative to monitor your backlinks to identify and remove any toxic links, i.e. those coming from unreliable sites, link farms, or even spammy sites. Tools like SE Ranking, Semrush or ahrefs allow you to monitor your backlinks.


Getting quality backlinks : easier said than done ? How to approach influential sites that interest you? We give you the main strategies to succeed!


Here’s how it works: you invite an influencer in your industry to write an article that you publish on your blog. In return, they publish one of your articles on their blog with a link to your site.

There are several solutions: you can for example produce yourself the relevant content for their site (infographics, studies or videos) and offer it to them. Then, the blogger only has to integrate your content on their site. It is also possible to offer your products or services for free in exchange for an article on the blog and a link to your site. These techniques are also called influence marketing.


Linkbaiting is about providing high value content on your website. You focus on creating high quality pages and promoting them (social networks, newsletter, etc.). The goal is to generate links in a natural way.

With high quality content, you encourage other website owners to create outbound links from their site to yours, without having to solicit them.

This requires a total commitment to your content production, which must be regular, qualitative and original enough to be picked up by other sites. This technique works well but can be long and tedious. Moreover, in areas saturated with content and very competitive, the return on investment is not always satisfactory.

However, producing quality content is fundamental in SEO. You don’t lose anything by developing a relevant content marketing strategy. Your quality articles will be valued by Google anyway, even without backlinks. Then, you can always propose your content directly to influencers or media (influencer marketing).


This is the simplest solution even if it is not recommended by Google. You can pay media or bloggers to publish a link to your site. This often translates into editorial content such as a blog post. The principle is the same as a sponsored post with an influencer on Instagram: they offer you visibility, so you have to pay them for it. In that sense, this makes it the simplest technique, but not always the most economical.

The rate varies depending on the quality of the site that will link to you: the SEO power of the site, its traffic, the life of the link, etc.

There are many netlinking platforms, nevertheless here is a small list:

Getfluence ;
RocketLinks ;
Accesslink ;

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