Online Store

Managing an online store: our tips for success in e-commerce in 2022

The life of an e-commerce entrepreneur is complex. The creation of an online store is a web project for which you must invest full time, with motivation and passion.

Managing an online store requires making many choices, using analysis tools, managing merchandise, managing relationships with suppliers, and hundreds of other tasks to accomplish.

That’s why you’ll need to be ultra-organized and create a real attack list to oversee all aspects of this exciting venture. What are the most important elements in e-commerce management? Follow the guide!

How to start an e-commerce business : the key steps

How to create an online store?
Managing an online store means managing a business on the web. To make online sales implies to create your own products, to sell products from a supplier or to offer online services to a customer.

How to create an online sales site? In order to create a merchant website, you have to turn to dedicated structures (Marketplace, social media, Open Source or SaaS) depending on the size of your company, your commercial offers, your financial capacities, your skills in website development and your long-term sales ambitions.

Today, it is possible to manage an online store easily with an online store management system. The chosen solution will help you choose a domain name, a hosting and a payment system in particular.

But first of all, to manage an online store, you need to determine the type of store you want, then select the right CMS.

What type of website to create?
To manage your online store, you need to know the different types of merchant sites. Specialized merchant sites or general merchant sites? Showcase site or e-commerce site? What type of website to create?

The showcase site: as its name indicates, it will allow you to present products, services and blog articles to the customer, without the possibility of buying.

The marketplace: it is a merchant site that references products of other sellers, that it does not produce itself (like Fnac, La Redoute for example).

The dropshipping site: dropshipping is a sales technique without stock. The e-merchant takes care of promoting his products to his customers and then delegates the logistics to his supplier who will take care of the packaging, shipping and delivery (a type of e-commerce managed by the Dropizi solution in particular).

The real online store: the merchant site will allow the e-merchant to offer its products and services to customers who can buy directly on the site. The seller takes care of the entire transaction.
To be able to establish itself in online sales, it is necessary to have a legal status adapted to become a professional of e-commerce.

Which legal status should I choose for the creation of a store?

The sole proprietorship (EI): this category groups the forms of companies linked to the name of their manager who is alone in his position. It is therefore “in its own name”.

The EURL and the SARL: the EURL (Limited Liability Company) and the SARL (Simplified Joint Stock Company) have the same functioning, except that for the EURL only one person owns 100% of the shares of the company and in the SARL, there are at least two partners.
The SAS: for all companies wishing to open their capital to external investors.

The micro-enterprise: with an online store, it is possible to work as an auto-entrepreneur and realize your own projects. Your turnover must not exceed €176,200 excl. tax/year for the sale of products and €72,600 excl. tax/year for the provision of services. This status is ideal to start in your adventure and to evolve simply in the world of e-commerce!

How to choose the right domain name?

The domain name is a bit like your postal address, but online. Even if it is not the most important element of your business, it carries many elements that can benefit your company or hinder your activity.

Choosing a domain name is to highlight your DNA while making your brand memorable so that your visitors remember you. With a well thought domain name, you will be able to give information to your visitors about the type of products and services you offer and the theme of your brand.

Beyond webmarketing and promotion of your business on the web, the domain name is also a technical element: once established, it is very difficult to change it without going through major complications, and the risk of having to start from scratch.

Because the domain name is an element to imagine on the long term, as much for your marketing strategy as for your SEO, for your natural referencing. After having succeeded in boosting your pages to reach the top of the Google SERP, it would be a shame to change your domain name and start again from the 7th page of Google search, wouldn’t it?

The steps to manage your online store

The online sale: the good gestures to manage an online store
Know your target and its needs: the target of your e-commerce is certainly the most important element of your global strategy. Once your typical customer is determined, that your persona is known, you will have your starting point to know which way to develop your activity.

Build your business plan: a business plan will allow you to determine the course to take your e-commerce towards success. Objectives, results, forecasts… This document will lay the foundation of your e-commerce.

Establish a solid marketing strategy: thanks to the previous objectives, you will be able to build your marketing plan. Communication, image, levers of visibility, this step is essential to put the light on your brand and give appointment to the consumers so that they can follow you in your adventure.

Securing your online store: To create a merchant site, it is necessary to choose important security elements expected by consumers, such as a secure payment system or an adapted hosting. Cybersecurity is a key element of online sales and is one of the main reasons for shopping cart abandonment in the absence of reassurance.

Optimize your online presence and SEO: In e-commerce, it is important to be referenced on search engines. To do so, your website must be optimized according to Google’s requirements and follow precise rules to propel your e-commerce at the top of the search results page.
Choose reliable carriers: for minimum delivery times, for smooth routing, for lower shipping costs, etc. For many reasons, efficient delivery services that are appreciated by your customers will reassure them while offering an optimal service.

Offer several payment solutions: customers have their own online habits and appreciate being able to choose the payment platform they usually use. So, do not limit your e-commerce to one or two proposals but multiply the partners to not miss any sale.

Build customer loyalty: Managing your online store well means attracting and building customer loyalty. Loyalty is a major pillar of commerce and thanks to specialized online channels, you can pamper your customers so that they can come back to make their purchases from your site. Emails, SMS, social media, promotional offers, personalization of your communications… Loyalty is an essential lever for your success!

Choose a powerful e-commerce solution: you know your target, your products, your objectives, but have you thought about the CMS that can support your business and boost your success? With WiziShop, you can count on an ultra-performing e-commerce solution for your natural referencing, a personalized support and technical updates according to the latest consumer requirements to always offer the best service to your customers.

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